headers Directory Reference


directory  app
directory  dmprovider
directory  package
directory  package_p
directory  services
directory  storage
directory  support
directory  support_p
directory  xml
directory  xml_p


file  bsd-string.h [code]
file  BuildDefaults.h [code]
file  BuildDefines.h [code]
 Build variable defines for Palm OS.
file  Chars.h [code]
 Standard character codes, including hard keyboard characters.
file  CmnErrors.h [code]
 Definition of all error classes and common error codes.
file  DebugMgr.h [code]
 Low-level Debug Manager functions. See ErrorMgr.h for common debug macros.
file  ErrorMgr.h [code]
 Error checking and reporting macros, whose behavior depends on BUILD_TYPE.
file  libpalmroot.h [code]
file  LocaleMgr.h [code]
file  LocaleMgrTypes.h [code]
file  PalmTypes.h [code]
 Elementary Palm OS data types. Included by all Palm OS components.
file  SysThread.h [code]
 Basic APIs for working with threads.
file  SysThreadConcealed.h [code]
file  TextMgr.h [code]