CmnErrors.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Definition of all error classes and common error codes.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Error Classes

Base values for all error classes.

#define actvErrorClass   0x80002000
#define almErrorClass   0x80000900
#define amErrorClass   0x80003D00
#define appErrorClass   0x80008000
#define appMgrErrorClass   0x80004000
#define attnErrorClass   0x80002E00
#define azmErrorClass   0x80003C00
#define bltErrorClass   0x80002300
#define blthErrorClass   0x80003100
#define bndErrorClass   0x80004A00
#define catmErrorClass   0x80004700
#define certErrorClass   0x80004800
#define cmpErrorClass   0x80000D00
#define cncErrorClass   0x80001F00
#define cpmErrorClass   0x80003800
#define dalErrorClass   0x8000FF00
#define dirErrorClass   0x80003E00
#define dispErrorClass   0x80002200
#define dlkErrorClass   0x80000E00
#define dmErrorClass   0x80000200
#define drvrErrorClass   0x80004500
#define dtErrorClass   0x80005600
#define dtIntProtClass   0x80005800
#define em68kErrorClass   0x80003400
#define emuErrorClass   0x80001C00
#define errInfoClass   0x80007F00
#define errorClassMask   0xFFFFFF00
#define evtErrorClass   0x80000700
#define exgErrorClass   0x80001500
#define expErrorClass   0x80002900
#define fileErrorClass   0x80001600
#define flpErrorClass   0x80000680
#define flshErrorClass   0x80001D00
#define fplErrorClass   0x80000600
#define ftrErrorClass   0x80000C00
#define grfErrorClass   0x80001000
#define grmlErrorClass   0x80003500
#define halErrorClass   0x80003B00
#define hsExgErrorClass   0x80004E00
#define htalErrorClass   0x80001300
#define HttpErrorClass   0x80004C00
#define hwrErrorClass   0x80003000
#define inetErrorClass   0x80001400
#define intlErrorClass   0x80002C00
#define iosErrorClass   0x80004200
#define IrCommErrorClass   0x80003700
#define IrErrorClass   0x80003600
#define kalErrorClass   0x80003A00
#define lmErrorClass   0x80002B00
#define lz77ErrorClass   0x80002700
#define mdmErrorClass   0x80001100
#define mediaErrorClass   0x80004600
#define memErrorClass   0x80000100
#define menuErrorClass   0x80002600
#define mimeErrorClass   0x80005700
#define mobileErrorClass   0x80006100
#define netErrorClass   0x80001200
#define oemErrorClass   0x80007000
#define omErrorClass   0x80002500
#define padErrorClass   0x80000F00
#define pdiErrorClass   0x80002D00
#define penErrorClass   0x80000B00
#define perfErrorClass   0x80004400
#define pinsErrorClass   0x80005000
#define postalErrorClass   0x80006000
#define pppErrorClass   0x80004F00
#define pwrErrorClass   0x80001E00
#define radioErrorClass   0x80002100
#define ralErrorClass   0x80004100
#define regexpErrorClass   0x80005200
#define rfutErrorClass   0x80001700
#define rimErrorClass   0x80005500
#define secErrorClass   0x80001B00
#define secSvcsErrorClass   0x80004900
#define serErrorClass   0x80000300
#define signErrorClass   0x80004300
#define slkErrorClass   0x80000400
#define smsErrorClass   0x80002800
#define sndErrorClass   0x80000800
#define sslErrorClass   0x80003900
#define statErrorClass   0x80005100
#define svcErrorClass   0x80003F00
#define syncMgrErrorClass   0x80004B00
#define sysErrorClass   0x80000500
#define telErrorClass   0x80002F00
#define timErrorClass   0x80000A00
#define tlsErrorClass   0x80003300
#define tsmErrorClass   0x80001900
#define txtErrorClass   0x80001800
#define udaErrorClass   0x80003200
#define uilibErrorClass   0x80005400
#define vaultErrorClass   0x80006200
#define vfsErrorClass   0x80002A00
#define webErrorClass   0x80001A00
#define winErrorClass   0x80002400
#define xmlErrorClass   0x80005900

Binder Error Codes

Errors that are specific to the Binder infrastructure.

#define bndErrBadInterface   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 7))
 Requested interface is not implemented.
#define bndErrBadTransact   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 5))
 Transaction data is corrupt.
#define bndErrBadType   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 2))
 Given argument has invalid type.
#define bndErrDead   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 3))
 Target Binder is no longer with us.
#define bndErrIncStrongFailed   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 11))
 AttemptIncStrong() -- no more strong refs.
#define bndErrMissingArg   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 1))
 Required argument not supplied.
#define bndErrOutOfStack   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 10))
 No more recursion for you!
#define bndErrReadNullValue   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 11))
 Reading NULL value type from SParcel.
#define bndErrTooManyLoopers   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 6))
 No more asynchronicity for you!
#define bndErrUnknownMethod   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 8))
 Binder does not implement requested method.
#define bndErrUnknownProperty   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 9))
 Binder does not implement requested property.
#define bndErrUnknownTransact   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 4))
 Don't know the given transaction code.

Generic Error Codes

You should use one of these error codes if it is applicable to your situation.

#define ECANCEL   5
#define errNone   0x00000000
 Non-error condition.
#define sysErrBadAddress   ((status_t)(-EBADADDR))
 POSIX: The given address is not valid.
#define sysErrBadData   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 47))
 Input data is corrupt.
#define sysErrBadDesignEncountered   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 50))
 My bad. Will be fixed in the next version. Really.
#define sysErrBadIndex   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 41))
 Out-of-range index supplied to function.
#define sysErrBadType   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 42))
 Bad argument type supplied to function.
#define sysErrBrokenPipe   ((status_t)(-EPIPE))
 POSIX: The IO pipe you are using is no longer working.
#define sysErrBufTooSmall   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 13))
#define sysErrBusy   ((status_t)(-EBUSY))
 POSIX: The target object is currently in use by someone else.
#define sysErrCanceled   ((status_t)(-ECANCEL))
 POSIX: The operation was cancelled by another entity such as the user.
#define sysErrCPUArchitecture   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 40))
 Loader: Program needs different architecture of the CPU to run.
#define sysErrDataTruncated   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 48))
 Not all of the data got through.
#define sysErrDontDoThat   ((status_t)(-EACCES))
 POSIX: That's not a good idea.
#define sysErrDynamicLinkerError   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 38))
 Loader: Error occured during dynamic linking.
#define sysErrEndOfData   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 54))
 Reached the end of data, no more data available.
#define sysErrEntryExists   ((status_t)(-EEXIST))
 POSIX: Attempted to create an entry that already exists.
#define sysErrEntryNotFound   ((status_t)(-ENOENT))
 POSIX: There is no entry with the requested name.
#define sysErrInternalError   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 37))
 Loader: System encountered unexpected internal error.
#define sysErrInterrupted   ((status_t)(-EINTR))
 POSIX: Your operation was rudely interrupted by something else in the system.
#define sysErrInvalidSignature   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 36))
 Loader: Module has no valid digital signuture.
#define sysErrIO   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 49))
 General IO error.
#define sysErrLibNotFound   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 10))
#define sysErrMismatchedValues   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 43))
 Conflicting values supplied to the function.
#define sysErrModuleFound68KCode   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 33))
 Loader: ARM module not found, but 68K code resource was.
#define sysErrModuleIncompatible   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 32))
#define sysErrModuleInvalid   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 31))
#define sysErrModuleNotFound   sysErrLibNotFound
#define sysErrModuleRelocationError   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 34))
 Loader: Failed to apply relocation while loading a module.
#define sysErrNameInUse   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 45))
 The requested name already exists. Also see sysErrEntryExists.
#define sysErrNameNotFound   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 44))
 The requested name does not exist. Also see sysErrEntryNotFound.
#define sysErrNameTooLong   ((status_t)(-E2BIG))
 POSIX: A name string is longer than supported by the target.
#define sysErrNoFreeLibSlots   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 9))
#define sysErrNoFreeRAM   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 4))
 Not of enough RAM to perform needed allocation.
#define sysErrNoFreeResource   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 3))
 The requested resource could not be allocated.
#define sysErrNoGlobalStructure   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 35))
 Loader: Module has no global structure.
#define sysErrNoInit   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 46))
 Target not initialized.
#define sysErrNotAllowed   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 5))
 The requested operation is not allowed.
#define sysErrNotInitialized   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 30))
 NotifyMgr Phase 2: Manager is not initialized.
#define sysErrOSVersion   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 53))
 AppMgr: Program needs higher OS version to run.
#define sysErrOutOfOwnerIDs   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 8))
#define sysErrOutOfRange   ((status_t)(-ERANGE))
 POSIX: The input is not within a valid range.
#define sysErrParamErr   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 2))
 The input parameters were invalid or corrupt.
#define sysErrPermissionDenied   ((status_t)(-EPERM))
 POSIX: You do not have permission to access the given item.
#define sysErrPrefNotFound   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 14))
#define sysErrProcessFaulted   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 51))
 AppMgr: Process has faulted during execution.
#define sysErrRAMModuleNotAllowed   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 39))
 Loader: RAM-based module cannot be loaded when device is booted into ROM-only mode.
#define sysErrRomIncompatible   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 12))
#define sysErrTimeout   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 1))
 The requested operation took too long to complete.
#define sysErrUnsupported   ((status_t)(-ENOTSUP))
 POSIX: The requested operation is not supported.
#define sysErrWeakRefGone   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 52))
 I was holding a weak reference, and that object is gone now.
#define sysErrWouldBlock   ((status_t)(-EWOULDBLOCK))
 POSIX: The IO operation would need to block for some amount of time to complete.
#define sysNotifyErrBroadcastBusy   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 19))
 NotifyMgr: A broadcast is already in progress - try again later.
#define sysNotifyErrBroadcastCancelled   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 20))
 NotifyMgr: A handler cancelled the broadcast.
#define sysNotifyErrDuplicateEntry   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 17))
 NotifyMgr: Identical entry already exists.
#define sysNotifyErrEntryNotFound   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 16))
 NotifyMgr: Could not find registration entry in the list.
#define sysNotifyErrNoServer   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 21))
 NotifyMgr: Can't find the notification server.
#define sysNotifyErrNoStackSpace   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 29))
 NotifyMgr Phase 2: Not enough stack space for a broadcast.
#define sysNotifyErrQueueEmpty   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 28))
 NotifyMgr Phase 2: Deferred queue is empty.
#define sysNotifyErrQueueFull   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 27))
 NotifyMgr Phase 2: Deferred queue is full.

Error Reporting

Definitions for program error reporting facilities.

#define ENOTSUP   524
#define errReportStripContext   0x00000001
#define errResponseBreak68K   0x00000004
#define errResponseBreakBoth   (errResponseBreakNative + errResponseBreak68K)
#define errResponseBreakNative   0x00000002
#define errResponseDefaultSet
#define errResponseIgnore   0x00000008
#define errResponseKillProcess   0x00000010
#define errResponseShutdown   0x00000040
#define errResponseSoftReset   0x00000020
#define errResponseTryHighLevel   0x00000001

Media Error Codes

Errors that are specific to multimedia operations.

#define mediaErrAlreadyConnected   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 4))
#define mediaErrAlreadyVisited   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 2))
#define mediaErrBufferFlowMismatch   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 7))
#define mediaErrFormatMismatch   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 1))
#define mediaErrNoBufferSource   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 6))
#define mediaErrNotConnected   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 5))
#define mediaErrStreamExhausted   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 3))

RegExp Error Codes

Errors that are specific to regular expression parsing.

#define regexpErrCorruptedOpcode   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 16))
 Poor opcode.
#define regexpErrCorruptedPointers   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 15))
 Poor pointer.
#define regexpErrCorruptedProgram   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 13))
 Poor program.
#define regexpErrInternalError   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 10))
 Uh oh!
#define regexpErrInvalidBracketRange   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 8))
 Bad stuff inside [].
#define regexpErrJunkOnEnd   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 4))
 Junk isn't good for you.
#define regexpErrMemoryCorruption   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 14))
 Poor memory.
#define regexpErrNestedStarQuestionPlus   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 6))
#define regexpErrQuestionPlusStarFollowsNothing   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 11))
 That's a mouthful.
#define regexpErrStarPlusOneOperandEmpty   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 5))
 As it says.
#define regexpErrTooBig   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 2))
 Not that we like hard-coded limits.
#define regexpErrTooManyParenthesis   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 3))
 No, really, we don't like hard-coded limits.
#define regexpErrTrailingBackslash   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 12))
 This isn't C.
#define regexpErrUnmatchedBracket   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 9))
 Such as []].
#define regexpErrUnmatchedParenthesis   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 1))
 Such as ()).


#define exgErrAppError   (exgErrorClass | 9)
#define exgErrAuthRequired   (exgErrorClass | 20)
#define exgErrBadData   (exgErrorClass | 8)
#define exgErrBadLibrary   (exgErrorClass | 17)
#define exgErrBadParam   (exgErrorClass | 14)
#define exgErrConnection   (exgErrorClass | 23)
#define exgErrDeviceBusy   (exgErrorClass | 16)
#define exgErrDeviceFull   (exgErrorClass | 11)
#define exgErrDisconnected   (exgErrorClass | 12)
#define exgErrInvalidScheme   (exgErrorClass | 25)
#define exgErrInvalidURL   (exgErrorClass | 24)
#define exgErrLibError   (exgErrorClass | 22)
#define exgErrNoHardware   (exgErrorClass | 19)
#define exgErrNoKnownTarget   (exgErrorClass | 5)
#define exgErrNoReceiver   (exgErrorClass | 4)
#define exgErrNotAllowed   (exgErrorClass | 7)
#define exgErrNotEnoughPower   (exgErrorClass | 18)
#define exgErrNotFound   (exgErrorClass | 13)
#define exgErrNotSupported   (exgErrorClass | 15)
#define exgErrRedirect   (exgErrorClass | 21)
#define exgErrStackInit   (exgErrorClass | 2)
#define exgErrTargetMissing   (exgErrorClass | 6)
#define exgErrUnknown   (exgErrorClass | 10)
#define exgErrUserCancel   (exgErrorClass | 3)
#define exgMemError   (exgErrorClass | 1)
#define kDALError   ((status_t)(dalErrorClass | 0x00FF))
#define kDALTimeout   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 1))

Define Documentation

#define actvErrorClass   0x80002000

#define almErrorClass   0x80000900

#define amErrorClass   0x80003D00

#define appErrorClass   0x80008000

#define appMgrErrorClass   0x80004000

#define attnErrorClass   0x80002E00

#define azmErrorClass   0x80003C00

#define bltErrorClass   0x80002300

#define blthErrorClass   0x80003100

#define bndErrBadInterface   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 7))

Requested interface is not implemented.

#define bndErrBadTransact   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 5))

Transaction data is corrupt.

#define bndErrBadType   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 2))

Given argument has invalid type.

Should this go away and just use B_BAD_TYPE?

#define bndErrDead   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 3))

Target Binder is no longer with us.

#define bndErrIncStrongFailed   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 11))

AttemptIncStrong() -- no more strong refs.

#define bndErrMissingArg   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 1))

Required argument not supplied.

#define bndErrorClass   0x80004A00

#define bndErrOutOfStack   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 10))

No more recursion for you!

#define bndErrReadNullValue   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 11))

Reading NULL value type from SParcel.

#define bndErrTooManyLoopers   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 6))

No more asynchronicity for you!

#define bndErrUnknownMethod   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 8))

Binder does not implement requested method.

#define bndErrUnknownProperty   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 9))

Binder does not implement requested property.

#define bndErrUnknownTransact   ((status_t)(bndErrorClass | 4))

Don't know the given transaction code.

#define catmErrorClass   0x80004700

#define certErrorClass   0x80004800

#define cmpErrorClass   0x80000D00

#define cncErrorClass   0x80001F00

#define cpmErrorClass   0x80003800

#define dalErrorClass   0x8000FF00

#define dirErrorClass   0x80003E00

#define dispErrorClass   0x80002200

#define dlkErrorClass   0x80000E00

#define dmErrorClass   0x80000200

#define drvrErrorClass   0x80004500

#define dtErrorClass   0x80005600

#define dtIntProtClass   0x80005800

#define ECANCEL   5

#define em68kErrorClass   0x80003400

#define emuErrorClass   0x80001C00

#define ENOTSUP   524

#define errInfoClass   0x80007F00

#define errNone   0x00000000

Non-error condition.

The ssize to type is used to indicate that positive values may be returning in the non-error case. You should always check for success with the expression "error >= errNone".

#define errorClassMask   0xFFFFFF00

#define errReportStripContext   0x00000001

#define errResponseBreak68K   0x00000004

#define errResponseBreakBoth   (errResponseBreakNative + errResponseBreak68K)

#define errResponseBreakNative   0x00000002

#define errResponseDefaultSet


#define errResponseIgnore   0x00000008

#define errResponseKillProcess   0x00000010

#define errResponseShutdown   0x00000040

#define errResponseSoftReset   0x00000020

#define errResponseTryHighLevel   0x00000001

#define evtErrorClass   0x80000700


#define exgErrAppError   (exgErrorClass | 9)

#define exgErrAuthRequired   (exgErrorClass | 20)

#define exgErrBadData   (exgErrorClass | 8)

#define exgErrBadLibrary   (exgErrorClass | 17)

#define exgErrBadParam   (exgErrorClass | 14)

#define exgErrConnection   (exgErrorClass | 23)

#define exgErrDeviceBusy   (exgErrorClass | 16)

#define exgErrDeviceFull   (exgErrorClass | 11)

#define exgErrDisconnected   (exgErrorClass | 12)

#define exgErrInvalidScheme   (exgErrorClass | 25)

#define exgErrInvalidURL   (exgErrorClass | 24)

#define exgErrLibError   (exgErrorClass | 22)

#define exgErrNoHardware   (exgErrorClass | 19)

#define exgErrNoKnownTarget   (exgErrorClass | 5)

#define exgErrNoReceiver   (exgErrorClass | 4)

#define exgErrNotAllowed   (exgErrorClass | 7)

#define exgErrNotEnoughPower   (exgErrorClass | 18)

#define exgErrNotFound   (exgErrorClass | 13)

#define exgErrNotSupported   (exgErrorClass | 15)

#define exgErrorClass   0x80001500

#define exgErrRedirect   (exgErrorClass | 21)

#define exgErrStackInit   (exgErrorClass | 2)

#define exgErrTargetMissing   (exgErrorClass | 6)

#define exgErrUnknown   (exgErrorClass | 10)

#define exgErrUserCancel   (exgErrorClass | 3)

#define exgMemError   (exgErrorClass | 1)

#define expErrorClass   0x80002900

#define fileErrorClass   0x80001600

#define flpErrorClass   0x80000680

#define flshErrorClass   0x80001D00

#define fplErrorClass   0x80000600

#define ftrErrorClass   0x80000C00

#define grfErrorClass   0x80001000

#define grmlErrorClass   0x80003500

#define halErrorClass   0x80003B00

#define hsExgErrorClass   0x80004E00

#define htalErrorClass   0x80001300

#define HttpErrorClass   0x80004C00

#define hwrErrorClass   0x80003000

#define inetErrorClass   0x80001400

#define intlErrorClass   0x80002C00

#define iosErrorClass   0x80004200

#define IrCommErrorClass   0x80003700

#define IrErrorClass   0x80003600

#define kalErrorClass   0x80003A00

#define kDALError   ((status_t)(dalErrorClass | 0x00FF))

#define kDALTimeout   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 1))

#define lmErrorClass   0x80002B00

#define lz77ErrorClass   0x80002700

#define mdmErrorClass   0x80001100

#define mediaErrAlreadyConnected   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 4))

#define mediaErrAlreadyVisited   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 2))

#define mediaErrBufferFlowMismatch   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 7))

#define mediaErrFormatMismatch   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 1))

#define mediaErrNoBufferSource   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 6))

#define mediaErrNotConnected   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 5))

#define mediaErrorClass   0x80004600

#define mediaErrStreamExhausted   ((status_t)(mediaErrorClass | 3))

#define memErrorClass   0x80000100

#define menuErrorClass   0x80002600

#define mimeErrorClass   0x80005700

#define mobileErrorClass   0x80006100

#define netErrorClass   0x80001200

#define oemErrorClass   0x80007000

#define omErrorClass   0x80002500

#define padErrorClass   0x80000F00

#define pdiErrorClass   0x80002D00

#define penErrorClass   0x80000B00

#define perfErrorClass   0x80004400

#define pinsErrorClass   0x80005000

#define postalErrorClass   0x80006000

#define pppErrorClass   0x80004F00

#define pwrErrorClass   0x80001E00

#define radioErrorClass   0x80002100

#define ralErrorClass   0x80004100

#define regexpErrCorruptedOpcode   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 16))

Poor opcode.

#define regexpErrCorruptedPointers   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 15))

Poor pointer.

#define regexpErrCorruptedProgram   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 13))

Poor program.

#define regexpErrInternalError   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 10))

Uh oh!

#define regexpErrInvalidBracketRange   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 8))

Bad stuff inside [].

#define regexpErrJunkOnEnd   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 4))

Junk isn't good for you.

#define regexpErrMemoryCorruption   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 14))

Poor memory.

#define regexpErrNestedStarQuestionPlus   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 6))


#define regexpErrorClass   0x80005200

#define regexpErrQuestionPlusStarFollowsNothing   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 11))

That's a mouthful.

#define regexpErrStarPlusOneOperandEmpty   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 5))

As it says.

#define regexpErrTooBig   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 2))

Not that we like hard-coded limits.

#define regexpErrTooManyParenthesis   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 3))

No, really, we don't like hard-coded limits.

#define regexpErrTrailingBackslash   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 12))

This isn't C.

#define regexpErrUnmatchedBracket   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 9))

Such as []].

#define regexpErrUnmatchedParenthesis   ((status_t)(regexpErrorClass | 1))

Such as ()).

#define rfutErrorClass   0x80001700

#define rimErrorClass   0x80005500

#define secErrorClass   0x80001B00

#define secSvcsErrorClass   0x80004900

#define serErrorClass   0x80000300

#define signErrorClass   0x80004300

#define slkErrorClass   0x80000400

#define smsErrorClass   0x80002800

#define sndErrorClass   0x80000800

#define sslErrorClass   0x80003900

#define statErrorClass   0x80005100

#define svcErrorClass   0x80003F00

#define syncMgrErrorClass   0x80004B00

#define sysErrBadAddress   ((status_t)(-EBADADDR))

POSIX: The given address is not valid.

#define sysErrBadData   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 47))

Input data is corrupt.

This indicates that the contents of structured input data is corrupt. It is used when the parameters are valid (unlike sysErrParamErr and friends), but the data they reference is bad. For example, calling a function to read a PNG image, where the image data is corrupt.

#define sysErrBadDesignEncountered   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 50))

My bad. Will be fixed in the next version. Really.

#define sysErrBadIndex   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 41))

Out-of-range index supplied to function.

#define sysErrBadType   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 42))

Bad argument type supplied to function.

#define sysErrBrokenPipe   ((status_t)(-EPIPE))

POSIX: The IO pipe you are using is no longer working.

#define sysErrBufTooSmall   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 13))

#define sysErrBusy   ((status_t)(-EBUSY))

POSIX: The target object is currently in use by someone else.

#define sysErrCanceled   ((status_t)(-ECANCEL))

POSIX: The operation was cancelled by another entity such as the user.

#define sysErrCPUArchitecture   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 40))

Loader: Program needs different architecture of the CPU to run.

#define sysErrDataTruncated   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 48))

Not all of the data got through.

Some data was returned, but it is not all that was available and/or expected.

#define sysErrDontDoThat   ((status_t)(-EACCES))

POSIX: That's not a good idea.

#define sysErrDynamicLinkerError   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 38))

Loader: Error occured during dynamic linking.

#define sysErrEndOfData   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 54))

Reached the end of data, no more data available.

This is a pseudo-error, returned by iterators and other things that let you step through there data. It is returned when requesting more data when you have reached the end of the iterator.

#define sysErrEntryExists   ((status_t)(-EEXIST))

POSIX: Attempted to create an entry that already exists.

You have attempted to perform an operation that would create an entry with a specific name, where there is already such an entry.

#define sysErrEntryNotFound   ((status_t)(-ENOENT))

POSIX: There is no entry with the requested name.

For example, trying to open a file that does not exist. Compare with sysErrPermissionDenied.

#define sysErrInternalError   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 37))

Loader: System encountered unexpected internal error.

#define sysErrInterrupted   ((status_t)(-EINTR))

POSIX: Your operation was rudely interrupted by something else in the system.

#define sysErrInvalidSignature   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 36))

Loader: Module has no valid digital signuture.

#define sysErrIO   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 49))

General IO error.

Very generic input/output error. Generally shouldn't be used, instead preferring more specific errors such as sysErrTimeout, sysErrCancelled, sysErrPermissionDenied, sysErrBrokenPipe, sysErrWouldBlock, sysErrBusy, sysErrInterrupted, etc.

#define sysErrLibNotFound   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 10))

#define sysErrMismatchedValues   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 43))

Conflicting values supplied to the function.

#define sysErrModuleFound68KCode   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 33))

Loader: ARM module not found, but 68K code resource was.

#define sysErrModuleIncompatible   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 32))

#define sysErrModuleInvalid   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 31))

#define sysErrModuleNotFound   sysErrLibNotFound

#define sysErrModuleRelocationError   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 34))

Loader: Failed to apply relocation while loading a module.

#define sysErrNameInUse   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 45))

The requested name already exists. Also see sysErrEntryExists.

This error indicates that there is already a plain item with the requested name. You should use instead sysErrEntryExists for a name that already exists on a filesystem or other structured storage.

#define sysErrNameNotFound   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 44))

The requested name does not exist. Also see sysErrEntryNotFound.

This error indicates that a plain name lookup did not succeed. You should use instead sysErrEntryNotFound for a lookup failure on a filesystem or other structured storage.

#define sysErrNameTooLong   ((status_t)(-E2BIG))

POSIX: A name string is longer than supported by the target.

#define sysErrNoFreeLibSlots   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 9))

#define sysErrNoFreeRAM   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 4))

Not of enough RAM to perform needed allocation.

#define sysErrNoFreeResource   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 3))

The requested resource could not be allocated.

The code sysErrNoFreeRAM should be used for memory.

#define sysErrNoGlobalStructure   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 35))

Loader: Module has no global structure.

#define sysErrNoInit   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 46))

Target not initialized.

An operation on object could not be completed because that object has not been initialized. This error should only be returned when an object needs something besides just construction to be initialized. If initializion was attempted but could not be done, another more specific error should be returned.

#define sysErrNotAllowed   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 5))

The requested operation is not allowed.

Generally you should use the more specific errors sysErrUnsupported or sysErrPermissionDenied.

#define sysErrNotInitialized   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 30))

NotifyMgr Phase 2: Manager is not initialized.

#define sysErrorClass   0x80000500

#define sysErrOSVersion   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 53))

AppMgr: Program needs higher OS version to run.

#define sysErrOutOfOwnerIDs   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 8))

#define sysErrOutOfRange   ((status_t)(-ERANGE))

POSIX: The input is not within a valid range.

#define sysErrParamErr   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 2))

The input parameters were invalid or corrupt.

This error means that the given parameters made no sense. You will usually want to use a more specific error code than this such as sysErrBadIndex, sysErrBadType, sysErrMismatchedValues, or sysErrBadData.

#define sysErrPermissionDenied   ((status_t)(-EPERM))

POSIX: You do not have permission to access the given item.

This error specifically indicates that the requested operation is possible, you simply aren't to do it. Compare with sysErrEntryNotFound (the thing being operated on does not exist) and sysErrUnsupported (nobody can do what is being asked).

#define sysErrPrefNotFound   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 14))

#define sysErrProcessFaulted   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 51))

AppMgr: Process has faulted during execution.

#define sysErrRAMModuleNotAllowed   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 39))

Loader: RAM-based module cannot be loaded when device is booted into ROM-only mode.

#define sysErrRomIncompatible   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 12))

#define sysErrTimeout   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 1))

The requested operation took too long to complete.

#define sysErrUnsupported   ((status_t)(-ENOTSUP))

POSIX: The requested operation is not supported.

The implementation you are calling on does not support what was asked. Compare with sysErrPermissionDenied.

#define sysErrWeakRefGone   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 52))

I was holding a weak reference, and that object is gone now.

#define sysErrWouldBlock   ((status_t)(-EWOULDBLOCK))

POSIX: The IO operation would need to block for some amount of time to complete.

#define sysNotifyErrBroadcastBusy   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 19))

NotifyMgr: A broadcast is already in progress - try again later.

#define sysNotifyErrBroadcastCancelled   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 20))

NotifyMgr: A handler cancelled the broadcast.

#define sysNotifyErrDuplicateEntry   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 17))

NotifyMgr: Identical entry already exists.

#define sysNotifyErrEntryNotFound   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 16))

NotifyMgr: Could not find registration entry in the list.

#define sysNotifyErrNoServer   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 21))

NotifyMgr: Can't find the notification server.

#define sysNotifyErrNoStackSpace   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 29))

NotifyMgr Phase 2: Not enough stack space for a broadcast.

#define sysNotifyErrQueueEmpty   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 28))

NotifyMgr Phase 2: Deferred queue is empty.

#define sysNotifyErrQueueFull   ((status_t)(sysErrorClass | 27))

NotifyMgr Phase 2: Deferred queue is full.

#define telErrorClass   0x80002F00

#define timErrorClass   0x80000A00

#define tlsErrorClass   0x80003300

#define tsmErrorClass   0x80001900

#define txtErrorClass   0x80001800

#define udaErrorClass   0x80003200

#define uilibErrorClass   0x80005400

#define vaultErrorClass   0x80006200

#define vfsErrorClass   0x80002A00

#define webErrorClass   0x80001A00

#define winErrorClass   0x80002400

#define xmlErrorClass   0x80005900