SValue Class Reference
[Utility Classes and Functions]

#include <support/Value.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

A general-purpose data container, also known as a variant.

SValue is formally an abstract set of {key->value} mappings, where each key and value can be any typed blob of data. Standard data types are defined for strings, integers, IBinder objects, and other common data types. In addition, there are three special values: B_UNDEFINED_VALUE is a SValue that is not set; B_WILD_VALUE is a special value that can be thought of as being every possible value all at the same time; B_NULL_VALUE is used to indicate value that are being supplied but not specified (such as to use the default value for an optional parameter).

Note that the definition of SValue is very recursive -- it is a collection of key/value mappings, where both the key and value are themselves a SValue. As such, a SValue containing a single data item is conceptually actually the mapping {WILD->value}; because of the properties of WILD, a WILD key can appear more than one time so that a set of the values { A, B } can be constructed in a SValue as the mapping { {WILD->A}, {WILD->B} }. When iterating over and thinking of operations on a value, it is always viewed as a map in this way. However, there are many convenience functions for working with a value in its common form of a single {WILD->A} item.


Function for printing values in a nice format.

typedef status_t(* print_func )(const sptr< ITextOutput > &io, const SValue &val, uint32_t flags)
 SValue pretty printer function.
status_t PrintToStream (const sptr< ITextOutput > &io, uint32_t flags=0) const
 Print the value's contents in a pretty format.
static status_t RegisterPrintFunc (type_code type, print_func func)
 Add a new printer function for a type code.
static status_t UnregisterPrintFunc (type_code type, print_func func=NULL)
 Remove printer function for type code.


Reading and writing as flat byte streams.

ssize_t Archive (const sptr< IByteOutput > &into) const
ssize_t Archive (SParcel &into) const
ssize_t ArchivedSize () const
ssize_t Unarchive (const sptr< IByteInput > &from)
ssize_t Unarchive (SParcel &from)

Type Conversions

Retrieve the value as a standard type, potentially performing a conversion.

sptr< SAtomAsAtom (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to a strong SAtom pointer.
sptr< IBinderAsBinder (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to a strong IBinder pointer.
bool AsBool (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to boolean.
double AsDouble (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to double.
float AsFloat (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to float.
int32_t AsInt32 (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to int32_t.
int64_t AsInt64 (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to int64_t.
int32_t AsInteger (status_t *result=NULL) const
sptr< SKeyIDAsKeyID (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to a wrapped PalmOS KeyID, SKeyID.
off_t AsOffset (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Synonym for AsInt64().
ssize_t AsSSize (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to a status/size code.
status_t AsStatus (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to a status code.
SString AsString (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to a SString.
nsecs_t AsTime (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to nsecs_t.
wptr< SAtomAsWeakAtom (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to a weak SAtom pointer.
wptr< IBinderAsWeakBinder (status_t *result=NULL) const
 Convert value to a weak IBinder pointer.

Basic Operations

Assignment, status, existence, etc.

SValueAssign (type_code type, const void *data, size_t len)
SValueAssign (const SValue &o)
status_t ByteSwap (swap_action action)
status_t CanByteSwap () const
status_t ErrorCheck () const
 Retrieve exception-level error.
bool IsDefined () const
 Check whether the value is not B_UNDEFINED_VALUE.
bool IsObject () const
 Check whether this value is an object, such as a binder.
bool IsSimple () const
 Check whether this value is a single item of the form {WILD->A}.
bool IsSpecified () const
 Check whether this value is neither B_UNDEFINED_VALUE nor B_WILD_VALUE.
bool IsWild () const
 Checking whether this value is B_WILD_VALUE.
SValueoperator= (const SValue &o)
void SetError (status_t error)
 Set an exception-level error code.
status_t StatusCheck () const
 Return status of the value.
void Swap (SValue &with)
 Exchange contents of 'this' and 'with'.
void Undefine ()
 Set value to B_UNDEFINED_VALUE.
static void MoveAfter (SValue *to, SValue *from, size_t count=1)
 Move value forward in memory (for implementation of BMoveAfter).
static void MoveBefore (SValue *to, SValue *from, size_t count=1)
 Move value backward in memory (for implementation of BMoveBefore).

Raw Data Operations

Operations on the value as a raw blob of data with a type code. Note that these are not value for objects containing anything besides simple values. That is, values that are only the single mapping {WILD->data}.

void * BeginEditBytes (type_code type, size_t length, uint32_t flags=0)
 Start raw editing of data in value.
const void * Data (type_code type, size_t *inoutMinLength) const
 Retrieve data if value is type and length given.
const void * Data (type_code type, size_t length) const
 Return the data if the value is the exact given type and length.
const void * Data () const
 Return raw data in the value.
status_t EndEditBytes (ssize_t final_length=-1)
 Finish raw editing after previously calling BeginEditBytes().
size_t Length () const
 Return number of bytes of data in the value.
void Pool ()
 Make sure value's data is in the SSharedBuffer pool.
status_t SetType (type_code newType)
 Change this value's type code.
const SSharedBufferSharedBuffer () const
 Return raw value data as a SSharedBuffer.
type_code Type () const
 Return type code of data in this value.

Mapping Operations

Working with an SValue as structured data.

SValueBeginEditItem (const SValue &key)
 Direct editing of sub-items in the value.
int32_t CountItems () const
 Count the number of mappings in the value.
void EndEditItem (SValue *item)
 Finish sub-item editing after previously calling BeginEditItem().
void GetKeyIndices (const SValue *keys, size_t *outIndices, size_t count)
 Given an array keys of values, returns their indices in this's value mapping.
status_t GetNextItem (void **cookie, SValue *out_key, SValue *out_value) const
 Iterate over the mappings in the value.
bool HasItem (const SValue &key, const SValue &value=B_UNDEFINED_VALUE) const
 Check whether this value contains the given mapping.
SValueInherit (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0)
 Apply mappings underneath this value.
const SValue InheritCopy (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0) const
 Non-destructive version of Inherit().
SValueJoin (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0)
 Combine contents to two values together.
const SValue JoinCopy (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0) const
 Non-destructive version of Join().
SValueJoinItem (const SValue &key, const SValue &value, uint32_t flags=0)
 Convenience function for overlaying a single map item.
SValue Keys () const
 Get the keys from this value.
SValueMapValues (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0)
 Perform a value remapping operation.
const SValue MapValuesCopy (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0) const
 Non-destructive version of MapValues().
const SValue operator * (const SValue &o) const
 Synonym for MapValuesCopy().
SValueoperator *= (const SValue &o)
 Synonym for MapValues().
const SValue operator+ (const SValue &o) const
 Synonym for JoinCopy().
SValueoperator+= (const SValue &o)
 Synonym for Join().
const SValue operator- (const SValue &o) const
 Synonym for RemoveCopy().
SValueoperator-= (const SValue &o)
 Synonym for Remove().
const SValueoperator[] (const static_large_string_value &key) const
 Synonym for ValueFor().
const SValueoperator[] (const static_small_string_value &key) const
 Synonym for ValueFor().
const SValueoperator[] (int32_t index) const
 Synonym for ValueFor().
const SValueoperator[] (const SString &key) const
 Synonym for ValueFor().
const SValueoperator[] (const char *key) const
 Synonym for ValueFor().
const SValueoperator[] (const SValue &key) const
 Synonym for ValueFor().
SValueOverlay (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0)
 Apply mappings on top of this value.
const SValue OverlayCopy (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0) const
 Non-destructive version of Overlay().
SValueRemove (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0)
 Remove mappings from this value.
const SValue RemoveCopy (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0) const
 Non-destructive version of Remove().
status_t RemoveItem (const SValue &key, const SValue &value=B_WILD_VALUE)
 Convenience for Remove() of a single item/mapping.
status_t RenameItem (const SValue &old_key, const SValue &new_key)
 Change the name of a key in the value.
const SValueReplaceValues (const SValue *values, const size_t *indices, size_t count)
 Batch replace the values of a set of mappings.
SValueRetain (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0)
 Keep mappings in this value.
const SValue RetainCopy (const SValue &from, uint32_t flags=0) const
 Non-destructive version of Retain().
const SValueValueFor (const static_large_string_value &str) const
 Optimization of ValueFor() for static values.
const SValueValueFor (const static_small_string_value &str) const
 Optimization of ValueFor() for static values.
const SValueValueFor (int32_t index) const
 Optimization of ValueFor() for integers.
const SValueValueFor (const SString &str) const
 Optimization of ValueFor() for SString.
const SValueValueFor (const char *str) const
 Optimization of ValueFor() for raw character strings.
const SValueValueFor (const SValue &key) const
 Optimization of ValueFor() with default flags.
const SValue ValueFor (const SValue &key, uint32_t flags) const
 Look up a key in this value.


The common SValue comparison operation is a quick binary compare of its type code and data. Not only is this fast, but the way values are compared is type-independent and thus will never change. The Compare() method and all comparison operators use this approach.

int32_t Compare (type_code type, const void *data, size_t length) const
int32_t Compare (const SString &str) const
int32_t Compare (const char *str) const
int32_t Compare (const SValue &o) const
int32_t LexicalCompare (const SValue &o) const
 Perform a type-dependent comparison between two values.
bool operator!= (const static_large_string_value &str) const
bool operator!= (const static_small_string_value &str) const
bool operator!= (const SString &str) const
bool operator!= (const char *str) const
bool operator!= (const SValue &o) const
bool operator< (const static_large_string_value &str) const
bool operator< (const static_small_string_value &str) const
bool operator< (const SString &str) const
bool operator< (const char *str) const
bool operator< (const SValue &o) const
bool operator<= (const static_large_string_value &str) const
bool operator<= (const static_small_string_value &str) const
bool operator<= (const SString &str) const
bool operator<= (const char *str) const
bool operator<= (const SValue &o) const
bool operator== (const static_large_string_value &str) const
bool operator== (const static_small_string_value &str) const
bool operator== (const SString &str) const
bool operator== (const char *str) const
bool operator== (const SValue &o) const
bool operator> (const static_large_string_value &str) const
bool operator> (const static_small_string_value &str) const
bool operator> (const SString &str) const
bool operator> (const char *str) const
bool operator> (const SValue &o) const
bool operator>= (const static_large_string_value &str) const
bool operator>= (const static_small_string_value &str) const
bool operator>= (const SString &str) const
bool operator>= (const char *str) const
bool operator>= (const SValue &o) const

Typed Data Access

Retrieve data in value as a specific type, not performing conversion. (These functions fail if the value is not exactly the requested type.)

status_t GetAtom (sptr< SAtom > *atom) const
status_t GetBinder (sptr< IBinder > *obj) const
status_t GetBool (bool *val) const
status_t GetDouble (double *a_double) const
status_t GetFloat (float *a_float) const
status_t GetInt16 (int16_t *val) const
status_t GetInt32 (int32_t *val) const
status_t GetInt64 (int64_t *val) const
status_t GetInt8 (int8_t *val) const
status_t GetKeyID (sptr< SKeyID > *keyid) const
status_t GetStatus (status_t *val) const
status_t GetString (SString *a_string) const
status_t GetString (const char **a_string) const
status_t GetTime (nsecs_t *val) const
status_t GetWeakAtom (wptr< SAtom > *atom) const
status_t GetWeakBinder (wptr< IBinder > *obj) const

Constructors for Data

These constructors are used to create values containing a single piece of data of various types, which is implicitly the mapping {WILD->data}.

 SValue (const sptr< SKeyID > &binder)
 SValue (const wptr< IBinder > &binder)
 SValue (const sptr< IBinder > &binder)
 SValue (const static_large_string_value &str)
 SValue (const static_small_string_value &str)
 SValue (const SString &str)
 SValue (const char *str)
 SValue (int32_t num)
 SValue (type_code type, const SSharedBuffer *buffer)
 SValue (type_code type, const void *data, size_t len)

Constructors for Mappings

These constructors are used to create values containing a single explicit maping.

 SValue (const SValue &key, const SValue &value, uint32_t flags, size_t numMappings)
 SValue (const SValue &key, const SValue &value, uint32_t flags)
 SValue (const SValue &key, const SValue &value)

Constructor and Destructor

 SValue (const SValue &o)
 SValue ()
 ~SValue ()

Creating Data Values

These static functions allow you to build SValues of various standard types. Note that it is bette to use SSimpleValue for int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, bool, and float types, and SSimpleStatusValue for status_t.

static SValue Atom (const sptr< SAtom > &value)
static SValue Binder (const sptr< IBinder > &value)
static SValue Bool (bool v)
static SValue Double (double value)
static SValue Float (float v)
static SValue Int16 (int16_t v)
static SValue Int32 (int32_t v)
static SValue Int64 (int64_t value)
static SValue Int8 (int8_t v)
static SValue KeyID (const sptr< SKeyID > &value)
static SValue Offset (off_t value)
static SValue SSize (ssize_t value)
static SValue Status (status_t error)
static SValue String (const SString &value)
static SValue String (const char *value)
static SValue Time (nsecs_t value)
static SValue WeakAtom (const wptr< SAtom > &value)
static SValue WeakBinder (const wptr< IBinder > &value)

Creating Special Values

Convenience functions to access special value types.

static const SValueNull ()
 The null value, synonym for B_NULL_VALUE.
static const SValueUndefined ()
 Not-a-value, synonym for B_UNDEFINED_VALUE.
static const SValueWild ()
 The all-encompassing value, synonym for B_WILD_VALUE.

Static Public Member Functions

static const SValueLookupConstantValue (int32_t index)
 This is for internal use, do not use directly.


class BValueMap

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef status_t(* print_func)(const sptr< ITextOutput > &io, const SValue &val, uint32_t flags)

SValue pretty printer function.

io The stream to print in.
val The value to print.
flags Additional formatting information.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SValue  )  [inline]

SValue const SValue o  )  [inline]

~SValue  )  [inline]


SValue const SValue key,
const SValue value

SValue const SValue key,
const SValue value,
uint32_t  flags

SValue const SValue key,
const SValue value,
uint32_t  flags,
size_t  numMappings

SValue type_code  type,
const void *  data,
size_t  len

SValue type_code  type,
const SSharedBuffer buffer

SValue int32_t  num  )  [inline, explicit]

SValue const char *  str  )  [explicit]

SValue const SString str  )  [explicit]

SValue const static_small_string_value str  )  [inline, explicit]

SValue const static_large_string_value str  )  [inline, explicit]

SValue const sptr< IBinder > &  binder  ) 

SValue const wptr< IBinder > &  binder  ) 

SValue const sptr< SKeyID > &  binder  ) 

Member Function Documentation

ssize_t Archive const sptr< IByteOutput > &  into  )  const

ssize_t Archive SParcel into  )  const

ssize_t ArchivedSize  )  const

sptr< SAtom > AsAtom status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to a strong SAtom pointer.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_ATOM_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_ATOM_WEAK_TYPE: Attempts to promote to strong pointer.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns NULL. For all other types, returns NULL and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

sptr< IBinder > AsBinder status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to a strong IBinder pointer.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_BINDER_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_BINDER_HANDLE_TYPE: Returns binder proxy.
  • B_WEAK_BINDER_TYPE: Attempts to promote to strong pointer.
  • B_WEAK_BINDER_HANDLE_TYPE: Retrieve proxy and attempt to promote.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns NULL. For all other types, returns NULL and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

bool AsBool status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to boolean.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_BOOL_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_STRING_TYPE: Converted to true if "true" or numeric > 0.
  • B_DOUBLE_TYPE, B_FLOAT_TYPE, B_INT64_TYPE, B_BIGTIME_TYPE, B_INT32_TYPE, B_INT16_TYPE, B_INT8_TYPE: Converted to true if value is not zero.
  • B_ATOM_TYPE: Converted to true if address is not NULL.
  • B_ATOM_WEAK_TYPE: Converted to true if address is not NULL.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns false. For all other types, returns false and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

double AsDouble status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to double.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_DOUBLE_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_STRING_TYPE: Converted using strtod().
  • B_FLOAT_TYPE, B_INT64_TYPE, B_BIGTIME_TYPE, B_INT32_TYPE, B_INT16_TYPE, B_INT8_TYPE: Converted to a double, losing precision as needed.
  • B_BOOL_TYPE: Returned a 1 or 0.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns 0.0. For all other types, returns 0.0 and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

float AsFloat status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to float.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_FLOAT_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_STRING_TYPE: Converted using strtod().
  • B_DOUBLE_TYPE, B_INT64_TYPE, B_BIGTIME_TYPE, B_INT32_TYPE, B_INT16_TYPE, B_INT8_TYPE: Converted to a float, losing precision as needed. No bounds checking is performed.
  • B_BOOL_TYPE: Returned a 1 or 0.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns 0.0. For all other types, returns 0.0 and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

int32_t AsInt32 status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to int32_t.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_INT32_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_STRING_TYPE: Converted to a number for the formats
    • "[+-]nnn" -- base 10 conversion.
    • "[+-]0xnnn" -- base 16 conversion.
    • "[+-]0nnn" -- base 8 conversion.
    • "[aaaa]" -- packed ASCII conversion.
    • "'aaaa'" -- packed ASCII conversion.
  • B_DOUBLE_TYPE, B_FLOAT_TYPE, B_INT64_TYPE, B_BIGTIME_TYPE, B_INT16_TYPE, B_INT8_TYPE: Converted to an int32_t, losing precision as needed. No bounds checking is performed.
  • B_BOOL_TYPE: Returned a 1 or 0.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns 0. For all other types, returns 0 and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

int64_t AsInt64 status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to int64_t.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_INT64_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_STRING_TYPE: Converted as per AsInt32() above.
  • B_DOUBLE_TYPE, B_FLOAT_TYPE, B_BIGTIME_TYPE, B_INT32_TYPE, B_INT16_TYPE, B_INT8_TYPE: Converted to an int64_t, losing precision as needed. No bounds checking is performed.
  • B_BOOL_TYPE: Returned a 1 or 0.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns 0. For all other types, returns 0 and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

int32_t AsInteger status_t result = NULL  )  const [inline]

Use AsInt32() instead.

sptr< SKeyID > AsKeyID status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to a wrapped PalmOS KeyID, SKeyID.

We don't actually do any conversions here. If the SValue doesn't contain a valid SKeyID, we set result = B_BAD_TYPE and return NULL.

off_t AsOffset status_t result = NULL  )  const [inline]

Synonym for AsInt64().

SValue & Assign type_code  type,
const void *  data,
size_t  len

SValue & Assign const SValue o  ) 

ssize_t AsSSize status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to a status/size code.

Result will be:

  • If the value's ErrorCheck() is not B_OK, this is returned.
  • If B_STATUS_TYPE, that error code is returned.
  • If AsInt32() succeeds, its value is returned. Otherwise, B_OK returned and result is set to B_BAD_TYPE. Use AsStatus() instead to only retrieve valid status codes.

status_t AsStatus status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to a status code.

This is the same as AsSSize(), except it does not return positive integers -- in that case B_OK is returned and 'result' is set to B_BAD_TYPE. Also see StatusCheck() to retrieve the value status without performing any conversions.

SString AsString status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to a SString.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_STRING_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_DOUBLE_TYPE: Converted to a string using "%g".
  • B_FLOAT_TYPE: Converted to a string using "%g".
  • B_INT64_TYPE, B_BIGTIME_TYPE: Converted using "%Ld".
  • B_INT32_TYPE: Convered to a string using "%ld".
  • B_INT16_TYPE, B_INT8_TYPE: Converted using "%d".
  • B_BOOL_TYPE: Converted to the string "true" or "false".
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns "". For all other types, returns "" and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

nsecs_t AsTime status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to nsecs_t.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_BIGTIME_TYPE: Returned as-is.
  • B_STRING_TYPE: Converted using strtoll().
  • B_DOUBLE_TYPE, B_FLOAT_TYPE, B_INT64_TYPE, B_INT32_TYPE, B_INT16_TYPE, B_INT8_TYPE: Converted to a nsecs_t, losing precision as needed. No bounds checking is performed.
  • B_BOOL_TYPE: Returned a 1 or 0.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns 0. For all other types, returns 0 and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

wptr< SAtom > AsWeakAtom status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to a weak SAtom pointer.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_ATOM_TYPE: Returned as a weak pointer.
  • B_ATOM_WEAK_TYPE: Returns as-is.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns NULL. For all other types, returns NULL and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

wptr< IBinder > AsWeakBinder status_t result = NULL  )  const

Convert value to a weak IBinder pointer.

Converts from the following types:

  • B_BINDER_TYPE: Returned as a weak pointer.
  • B_BINDER_HANDLE_TYPE: Returns binder proxy as a weak pointer.
  • B_WEAK_BINDER_TYPE: Returns as-is.
  • B_WEAK_BINDER_HANDLE_TYPE: Returns binder proxy.
  • B_NULL_TYPE: Returns NULL. For all other types, returns NULL and 'result' is set to the current error/status code or B_BAD_TYPE.

SValue Atom const sptr< SAtom > &  value  )  [static]

void * BeginEditBytes type_code  type,
size_t  length,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Start raw editing of data in value.

Only valid on values for which IsSimple() is true and IsObject() is false. Call EndEditBytes() when done.

[in] type The new type code to assign to the value. Must not be a value map or object type.
[in] length Number of bytes needed.
[in] flags Use B_EDIT_VALUE_DATA to make the returned buffer have the some contents as the current value, otherwise the initial contents are undefined and you must set it all yourself.
NULL if there was an error, otherwise a pointer to a buffer of 'length' bytes.

SValue * BeginEditItem const SValue key  ) 

Direct editing of sub-items in the value.

key The key of the item you would like to edit. This must be a simple value, not a complex mapping.
A pointer to the value stored inside the mapping, or NULL if key could not be found.
Only valid for a value that contains full mappings {A->B}. Be sure to call EndEditItem() when done; you must not make any other calls on this object until you have done so.

static SValue Binder const sptr< IBinder > &  value  )  [inline, static]

SValue Bool bool  v  )  [static]

status_t ByteSwap swap_action  action  ) 

status_t CanByteSwap  )  const

int32_t Compare type_code  type,
const void *  data,
size_t  length

int32_t Compare const SString str  )  const

int32_t Compare const char *  str  )  const

int32_t Compare const SValue o  )  const

int32_t CountItems  )  const

Count the number of mappings in the value.

const void * Data type_code  type,
size_t *  inoutMinLength

Retrieve data if value is type and length given.

The data if the value is the exact given type and at least as large as the requested length.

[in] type The required type of the value.
[in,out] inoutMinLength On call, this is the minimum length needed; upon return it is changed to the actual number of bytes in the value.
The same as calling Data() if the given conditions are met, otherwise NULL.

const void * Data type_code  type,
size_t  length

Return the data if the value is the exact given type and length.

const void * Data  )  const

Return raw data in the value.

SValue Double double  value  )  [static]

status_t EndEditBytes ssize_t  final_length = -1  ) 

Finish raw editing after previously calling BeginEditBytes().

void EndEditItem SValue item  ) 

Finish sub-item editing after previously calling BeginEditItem().

status_t ErrorCheck  )  const

Retrieve exception-level error.

Returns the error or B_OK if it is a valid value (including a status value). You probably want to use StatusCheck() or AsStatus() instead.

SValue Float float  v  )  [static]

status_t GetAtom sptr< SAtom > *  atom  )  const

status_t GetBinder sptr< IBinder > *  obj  )  const

status_t GetBool bool *  val  )  const

status_t GetDouble double *  a_double  )  const

status_t GetFloat float *  a_float  )  const

status_t GetInt16 int16_t *  val  )  const

status_t GetInt32 int32_t *  val  )  const

status_t GetInt64 int64_t *  val  )  const

status_t GetInt8 int8_t *  val  )  const

status_t GetKeyID sptr< SKeyID > *  keyid  )  const

void GetKeyIndices const SValue keys,
size_t *  outIndices,
size_t  count

Given an array keys of values, returns their indices in this's value mapping.

This is used in conjunction with ReplaceValues() to efficiently change a set of items in an SValue mapping. This function is called first, filling in outIndices with the internal location of each of the corresponding keys.

status_t GetNextItem void **  cookie,
SValue out_key,
SValue out_value

Iterate over the mappings in the value.

[in,out] cookie State of iteration. Initialize to NULL before first call.
[out] out_key The key of the next item.
[out] out_value The value of the next item.
B_OK if there was a next item, an error if there were no more mappings in the SValue.

status_t GetStatus status_t val  )  const

status_t GetString SString a_string  )  const

status_t GetString const char **  a_string  )  const

status_t GetTime nsecs_t val  )  const

status_t GetWeakAtom wptr< SAtom > *  atom  )  const

status_t GetWeakBinder wptr< IBinder > *  obj  )  const

bool HasItem const SValue key,
const SValue value = B_UNDEFINED_VALUE

Check whether this value contains the given mapping.

SValue & Inherit const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Apply mappings underneath this value.

Does not modify any existing mappings in the value.

For example:

{ (A->B), (D->E) }.Inherit( { (A->G), (B->I) } )

Results in:

{ (A->B), (B->I), (D->E) }

Note that key A contains the value from the left-hand side.

See also:
Overlay(), Join().

const SValue InheritCopy const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Non-destructive version of Inherit().

SValue Int16 int16_t  v  )  [static]

static SValue Int32 int32_t  v  )  [inline, static]

SValue Int64 int64_t  value  )  [static]

SValue Int8 int8_t  v  )  [static]

bool IsDefined  )  const [inline]

Check whether the value is not B_UNDEFINED_VALUE.

bool IsObject  )  const

Check whether this value is an object, such as a binder.

bool IsSimple  )  const [inline]

Check whether this value is a single item of the form {WILD->A}.

bool IsSpecified  )  const [inline]

Check whether this value is neither B_UNDEFINED_VALUE nor B_WILD_VALUE.

bool IsWild  )  const [inline]

Checking whether this value is B_WILD_VALUE.

SValue & Join const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Combine contents to two values together.

Joins all mappings in both values to create the final result. Duplicate terminal values will create sets.

For example:

{ (A->B), (D->E) }.Join( { (A->G), (B->I) } )

Results in:

{ (A->(B,G)), (B->I), (D->E) }

Note that key A now contains the contents of both mappings, resulting in a set.

See also:
Overlay(), Inherit().

const SValue JoinCopy const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Non-destructive version of Join().

SValue & JoinItem const SValue key,
const SValue value,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Convenience function for overlaying a single map item.

JoinItem(B_WILD_VALUE, A) is the same as Join(A).

static SValue KeyID const sptr< SKeyID > &  value  )  [inline, static]

SValue Keys  )  const

Get the keys from this value.

size_t Length  )  const

Return number of bytes of data in the value.

int32_t LexicalCompare const SValue o  )  const

Perform a type-dependent comparison between two values.

This comparison is smart about types, trying to get standard types in their natural order. Because of this, note that the relative ordering of LexicalCompare() WILL CHANGE between operating system releases. You normally will use the standard Compare() operation.

static const SValue& LookupConstantValue int32_t  index  )  [static]

This is for internal use, do not use directly.

SValue & MapValues const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Perform a value remapping operation.

This operation is defined as (A->B).MapValues((D->E)) == (A->((D->E)[B])). This is performed for every mapping in 'this', the results of which are aggregated using Join().

For example:

{ (A->B), (D->E) }.MapValues( { (A->G), (B->I) } )

Results in:

{ (A->I) }

const SValue MapValuesCopy const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Non-destructive version of MapValues().

void MoveAfter SValue to,
SValue from,
size_t  count = 1

Move value forward in memory (for implementation of BMoveAfter).

void MoveBefore SValue to,
SValue from,
size_t  count = 1

Move value backward in memory (for implementation of BMoveBefore).

static const SValue& Null  )  [inline, static]

The null value, synonym for B_NULL_VALUE.

static SValue Offset off_t  value  )  [inline, static]

const SValue operator * const SValue o  )  const [inline]

Synonym for MapValuesCopy().

SValue& operator *= const SValue o  )  [inline]

Synonym for MapValues().

bool operator!= const static_large_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator!= const static_small_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator!= const SString str  )  const [inline]

bool operator!= const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool operator!= const SValue o  )  const [inline]

const SValue operator+ const SValue o  )  const [inline]

Synonym for JoinCopy().

SValue& operator+= const SValue o  )  [inline]

Synonym for Join().

const SValue operator- const SValue o  )  const [inline]

Synonym for RemoveCopy().

SValue& operator-= const SValue o  )  [inline]

Synonym for Remove().

bool operator< const static_large_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator< const static_small_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator< const SString str  )  const [inline]

bool operator< const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool operator< const SValue o  )  const [inline]

bool operator<= const static_large_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator<= const static_small_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator<= const SString str  )  const [inline]

bool operator<= const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool operator<= const SValue o  )  const [inline]

SValue& operator= const SValue o  )  [inline]

bool operator== const static_large_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator== const static_small_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator== const SString str  )  const [inline]

bool operator== const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool operator== const SValue o  )  const [inline]

bool operator> const static_large_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator> const static_small_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator> const SString str  )  const [inline]

bool operator> const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool operator> const SValue o  )  const [inline]

bool operator>= const static_large_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator>= const static_small_string_value str  )  const [inline]

bool operator>= const SString str  )  const [inline]

bool operator>= const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool operator>= const SValue o  )  const [inline]

const SValue& operator[] const static_large_string_value key  )  const [inline]

Synonym for ValueFor().

const SValue& operator[] const static_small_string_value key  )  const [inline]

Synonym for ValueFor().

const SValue& operator[] int32_t  index  )  const [inline]

Synonym for ValueFor().

const SValue& operator[] const SString key  )  const [inline]

Synonym for ValueFor().

const SValue& operator[] const char *  key  )  const [inline]

Synonym for ValueFor().

const SValue& operator[] const SValue key  )  const [inline]

Synonym for ValueFor().

SValue & Overlay const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Apply mappings on top of this value.

Overwrites any existing mappings in the value that are the same as the new mappings.

For example:

{ (A->B), (D->E) }.Overlay( { (A->G), (B->I) } )

Results in:

{ (A->G), (B->I), (D->E) }

Note that key A contains the value from the right-hand side.

See also:
Inherit(), Join().

const SValue OverlayCopy const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Non-destructive version of Overlay().

void Pool  ) 

Make sure value's data is in the SSharedBuffer pool.

status_t PrintToStream const sptr< ITextOutput > &  io,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Print the value's contents in a pretty format.

status_t RegisterPrintFunc type_code  type,
print_func  func

Add a new printer function for a type code.

When PrintToStream() is called, values of the given type will be printed by func.

SValue & Remove const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Remove mappings from this value.

For every mapping in from, if that mapping appears in this then it is removed. To remove an entire key, use the mapping (key->WILD). This is equivalent to a set subtraction.

const SValue RemoveCopy const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Non-destructive version of Remove().

status_t RemoveItem const SValue key,
const SValue value = B_WILD_VALUE

Convenience for Remove() of a single item/mapping.

status_t RenameItem const SValue old_key,
const SValue new_key

Change the name of a key in the value.

The old and new keys must be a specified value -- you can not rename using WILD values.
See also:

const SValue & ReplaceValues const SValue values,
const size_t *  indices,
size_t  count

Batch replace the values of a set of mappings.

After using GetKeyIndices() to find the indices of an array of values in this mapping, you can use ReplaceValues() to set the values of each of those mappings to the new values.

SValue & Retain const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Keep mappings in this value.

For every mapping in this, if that mapping doesn't appear in from then it is removed. This is equivalent to a set intersection.

const SValue RetainCopy const SValue from,
uint32_t  flags = 0

Non-destructive version of Retain().

void SetError status_t  error  ) 

Set an exception-level error code.

Error values are special, and consume any other value they are joined with. They are usually used for reporting internal errors (such as out of memory) from inside of SValue itself. Users will normally want to create a status value with SValue::Status().

status_t SetType type_code  newType  ) 

Change this value's type code.

This will fail if either the value currently contains an object or mapping, or the new type is an object type, to ensure you don't create corrupt values.

const SSharedBuffer * SharedBuffer  )  const

Return raw value data as a SSharedBuffer.

static SValue SSize ssize_t  value  )  [inline, static]

SValue Status status_t  error  )  [static]

status_t StatusCheck  )  const

Return status of the value.

If the value's ErrorCheck() is not B_OK, this is returned. If B_STATUS_TYPE, that error code is returned; if value is undefined, B_NO_INIT is returned. Otherwise, B_OK returned. (Any valid type is considered to also be an "okay" status.) See also AsStatus(), which performs a -conversion- to a status code.

static SValue String const SString value  )  [inline, static]

static SValue String const char *  value  )  [inline, static]

void Swap SValue with  ) 

Exchange contents of 'this' and 'with'.

SValue Time nsecs_t  value  )  [static]

type_code Type  )  const

Return type code of data in this value.

ssize_t Unarchive const sptr< IByteInput > &  from  ) 

ssize_t Unarchive SParcel from  ) 

void Undefine  ) 


static const SValue& Undefined  )  [inline, static]

Not-a-value, synonym for B_UNDEFINED_VALUE.

status_t UnregisterPrintFunc type_code  type,
print_func  func = NULL

Remove printer function for type code.

const SValue& ValueFor const static_large_string_value str  )  const [inline]

Optimization of ValueFor() for static values.

const SValue& ValueFor const static_small_string_value str  )  const [inline]

Optimization of ValueFor() for static values.

const SValue & ValueFor int32_t  index  )  const

Optimization of ValueFor() for integers.

Doesn't support this being WILD.

const SValue & ValueFor const SString str  )  const

Optimization of ValueFor() for SString.

Doesn't support this being WILD.

const SValue & ValueFor const char *  str  )  const

Optimization of ValueFor() for raw character strings.

Doesn't support this being WILD.

const SValue & ValueFor const SValue key  )  const

Optimization of ValueFor() with default flags.

const SValue ValueFor const SValue key,
uint32_t  flags

Look up a key in this value.

Looking up a WILD key returns the entire value as-is. Looking up with a key that is a map will match all items of the map.

For example:

{ (A->(B->(D->E))) }.ValueFor( { (A->(B->D)) } )

Results in:

{ E }

SValue WeakAtom const wptr< SAtom > &  value  )  [static]

static SValue WeakBinder const wptr< IBinder > &  value  )  [inline, static]

static const SValue& Wild  )  [inline, static]

The all-encompassing value, synonym for B_WILD_VALUE.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class BValueMap [friend]

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