Appendix B. The Tools

This appendix is generated each time it is accessed from the File -> Tool Guide menu item in a Sequitur song window.

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Filters: Eat Duplicates, Echo and On Key.

I create an echo from every selected note to the current mouse location. As the mouse drags, the echo is continually updated. I include an On Key filter that is initially set to a chromatic scale; select another scale for melodic instruments.


Use the Select tool to select the desired notes. For best results, select notes that are fairly far apart. Then, with this tool active, click on one of the selected notes and drag.



Echosystem 4

Filters: Echo.

I create an echo from every selected note to the current mouse location. As the mouse drags, the echo is continually updated. The echo is only four notes deep, so if the mouse is further than four notes, the echo does not actually reach the current mouse position.


Use the Select tool to select the desired notes. For best results, select notes that are fairly far apart. Then, with this tool active, click on one of the selected notes and drag.




Filters: Wipe Out.

I delete any events I touch.


Click and drag. As the mouse touches events, they are deleted.



Follow the Leader

Filters: Monophobic and On Key.

I cause all selected note events to follow the current mouse position. For example, if I am clicked at the middle of a series of C4 notes and dragged up to C5, then the middle of the series will be at C5, with the left and right sides tapering off to C4 at the start and end.

I include an On Key filter so that a key can be enforced.



Grid Wand

Filters: Quantize.

I am used to transform events by making selections and then dragging. The transformation varies depending upon what type of events you are operating on and how you drag.

Thanks to Gianmario Scotti for the tool idea.



Hot Beat Injection

Filters: Echo, Short Shift, Vaccine.V and VelociTease.

I create a two measure long rhythm. I work by first creating two measures of notes (note length is the current grid value), randomly assigning a velocity to each note, then running the notes through one or more velocity-sculpting filters. Finally, if a track motion is active for either of the measures, that motion is imprinted at a 40% level on the notes in the measure.


Click to create a new note and drag. As you drag up or down, the range of possible pitches increases. Dragging left or right effects some of the notes at the start of the measures. This tool is best suited for a drum kit program.




I am used to either create new events or move existing events. When there is no event where the mouse is pressed, I create a new event. What happens after I create it depends on the view in which the mouse is pressed.

If the mouse is pressed on an existing event, then I will not create any new events, but will instead drag the current selection. If SHIFT is held down while an event is selected, then it is added to the previous selection, and all selected events will move with the mouse. If SHIFT is not held down, then the previous selections are cleared before selecting the event.



Pencil Flam

Filters: Copy, Duration, Short Shift and VelociTease.

I act like a Pencil tool, creating events when I am pressed. In addition, I add a flam-like effect by creating a 64th note immediately preceding the event with a slightly lower velocity.




Filters: Quantize.

I box select events, then align them to the current grid.




I am used to select a rectangular area of events. Click on the upper left bounding point of the events to select, then drag to the lower right. Holding down the SHIFT key will add to the current selection instead of replacing it.

If I am clicked on an existing event, then instead of changing the selection, I drag all selected notes.




Filters: Echo.

I create an echo effect for all selected notes that changes with the mouse. The tail is drawn from the note that was clicked to the current mouse location. All other selected notes have a tail that mimicks the main one.


Use the Select tool to select one or more notes. Activate this tool, click on a note, and drag.



The Mountain

Filters: Copy, Rubber Stamp and Short Shift.

I take selected notes and create a series of control changes for each one. By default I use control change 7 (volume), although that can be changed in my properties.

The control changes created are based on my current motion in my Rubber Stamp filter and the current mouse location. By default, the motion is a simple shape that creates a triangular, mountain-shaped series of control changes, but changing the motion can create more complex effects.

If more than one track is currently active, I will add control changes to the following tracks (up to four) which mimic the control changes being added to the primary track, but with one difference: They are offset so that the series of control changes starts successively later and ends successively sooner, creating a stair effect.



Track Splitter

Filters: Keyboard Splitter.

I am used to split one track into two tracks, based on note pitch. I do this by taking all notes I receive and sending those below my split point (E3 by default) to the second ordered track. Notes on or above the split point are simply selected.

If there are no active tracks other than the primary track, then I just select all notes on or above my split point.

For information on ordered tracks, see The Active Tracks.




Filters: Duration, Eat Duplicates and Quantize.

I box select events, turning all selected events into eighth-note triplets. Any overlapping events will be deleted.




Filters: Vaccine.V.

Given a series of selected notes, I alter each note's velocity based on a combination of my current motion and the mouse location.


Use the Select tool to select a series of events. Activate this tool, then click and drag. As you click up, the velocities of the selected notes are altered to match my motion the further up you drag. If you drag below the click point, my motion is inverted, and the further down you drag the more the velocity is affected. As you drag left and right, the imprint creates a triangle effect, peaking at the mouse location and tapering off to the start and end of the selected events.




I am used to transform events by making selections and then dragging. The transformation varies depending upon what type of events you are operating on and how you drag.